Spring Update – 2015
It is time for an update on the activities of the RVA since the beginning of the year. It has been a busy time and we have accomplished much:We continue…
Presidents Letter – 2014
Reynolds Veterans Association Annual Golf TournamentOur 2014 annual golf tournament fundraiser was a huge success. A field of 120 ladies and gentlemen played at The Landing on Thursday, November 6th…
RVA Work Items – 2013
Custom WheelchairsElliptical MachinesRecumbent BikesNustepIndoor Cycling BikeCore AlignmentStairmasterVA ProstheticsBirthday PartiesGift Cards
Thanks to Dick & Wendy O’Toole
On behalf of the Reynolds Veterans Association, Inc., let me thank all of you for your contributions this spring. We are very grateful to Dick and Wendy for having an…
Dale Coffed’s Birthday Celebration
https://youtu.be/2nPaWKsA4PcWe celebrated Dale Coffed's 90th birthday. He is our only World War II surviving veteran. He and Boots now live in the Atlanta Area.
RVA funded affinity group breakfasts – huge success at UGA.
The RVA funded four affinity groups (business, engineering, sciences & education) to host breakfast meetings or afternoon coffee with student veterans from those colleges and prospective employers. Two recent meetings…
RVA Golf Tournament – 2017
One hundred and seven players participated in the Reynolds Veterans Association annual golf tournament on November 16, 2017 at the Landing to support our Veterans organization and the work we…
RVA at Weinberger’s – November 11, 2017
The RVA was at the annual Weinberger's event offering "Root Beer Floats", "Beer", "Wine" and "Soft Drinks available for a donation. Our extremely successful salespersons, Wendy O'Toole and Pat Hone…
UGA Veterans awarded RVA Scholarships
Two Marine Corps combat veterans have received Reynolds Veterans Association (RVA) scholarships for the spring semester at the University of Georgia.The scholarships are provided by a $100,000 endowment established by…