Ginny Dornheggen and David Eisenhower
On March 7, 2019 Dwight David Eisenhower, grandson of President Dwight David Eisenhower, son of General and Ambassador John Eisenhower and son-in-law of President Richard M. Nixon was the featured guest speaker at the second annual Reynolds Veterans Association (RVA) dinnner for members and guest at the Reynolds Lake Club.
Eisenhower, author, editor, lecture and director of the Annenberg fellowship program at the university of Pennsylvania is the host of the PBS public affairs program “the whole truth within David Eisenhower” now in its third nationwide season.
The speaker, grandson of the commander of World War II D -Day invasion was introduced by Reynolds resident And RVA member Charles Finch, whose father was 33 years old when he landed in Normandy on D-Day. Charles Finch Sr. took his son to president Eisenhower’s inauguration in 1953. French Sr. retired as a full colonel and one of his assigned post included Georgia’s Fort Gordon near Augusta. Charles Finch is a Vietnam veteran.
A sold out crowd heard Eisenhower discuss America’s leading role in constructing a new approach to international political relationships.
”Over the past hundred years America has established a new era in international affairs in times of conflict”, he said. “In the past armies fought wars for their countries, their homes or their religion. But times changed during the First World War”.
“America began encouraging a new international political understanding in which all nations would hold themselves and each other to universal standards of fair play and fair dealing. We committed to work toward forwarding the ideals of democracy, tolerance and decency in government throughout the world, “he explained.
“Americans went abroad during World War I And sacrificed to help bring about that positive change. During World War II Americans reaffirmed our nations commitment to those principles on D-Day. I believe history will show the Vietnam conflict has made an important contribution to advance the goal, not in the immediate result, but in the way our effort demonstrated to the world our dedication and resourcefulness.
“The commitment continues to apply to Americas approach to international affairs and its place in the world today,” he said.
Eisenhower is the author of Eisenhower at war, a New York Times bestseller and time magazine selection as one of the five best nonfiction works in the year it was published. He is also the recipient of seven honorary degrees and the holder of the University of Pennsylvania’s university-wide Provost award for excellence in university teaching. The presidential retreat, camp David, was named for him by his grandfather.
The Amherst graduate, a former naval reserve officer who served aboard the USS Albany, was hosted by RVA board member and Reynolds resident Ginny Dornheggen, pictured above, also a Vietnam veteran and middle school classmate of Eisenhower’s.